Review all the gifs | Midnight Fight Express review: the superb Game Pass brawler that taps into your inner John Wick Midnight Fight Express wants you to pull off sick moves and feel good. Aug. 18, 2022 Sherif Saed
Article redemption arc | Upcoming games of 2022 that must not be delayed (because the rest of the year isn’t looking great) There's still hope for 2022's second half to deliver the goods, if we could just convince the developers of certain games to stick to their guns. Aug. 1, 2022 Sherif Saed 7 comments
News takedown | Midnight Fight Express is the brawler with all the fluid action GIFs, and you can play the demo right now Summer Game Fest brought us an update about the game with all the GIFs. June 10, 2022 Sherif Saed
News takedown | Midnight Fight Express is the brawler with all the fluid action GIFs, and you can play the demo right now Summer Game Fest brought us an update about the game with all the GIFs. June 10, 2022 Sherif Saed
Review all the gifs | Midnight Fight Express review: the superb Game Pass brawler that taps into your inner John Wick Midnight Fight Express wants you to pull off sick moves and feel good. Aug. 18, 2022 Sherif Saed
Article redemption arc | Upcoming games of 2022 that must not be delayed (because the rest of the year isn’t looking great) There's still hope for 2022's second half to deliver the goods, if we could just convince the developers of certain games to stick to their guns. Aug. 1, 2022 Sherif Saed 7 comments