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Games industry to be awarded hard cash money

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Margaret Hodge - Minister for Culture, Creative Industries and Tourism in the UK - has intimated that some of the £10 million the Technology Strategy Board annually awards tech innovation will be heading the way of the gaming industry this year.

"We've worked really, really hard to try and ensure that across Government people recognise that the innovation that takes place in the games industry needs the same recognition and support that is given and takes place in traditional industries - whether it's automotive, pharmaceutical and so on," she said.

"And we're getting somewhere. For example, the Technology Strategy Board, which gives money to innovation, is now for the first time giving £10 million to support innovation in the games industry - there are three strands in that, and videogames is featuring very strongly in the applications received."

Just who gets what and how much will be be announced shortly.

Thanks, GI.

By Mike Bowden

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