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Frontier's David Braben defends Lionhead's Milo & Kate


Frontier's David Braben, creator of Elite and the upcoming sequel to LostWinds, has defended Lionhead's Milo & Kate and the reputed “smoke and mirrors” aspect of it.

“I think there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of with good, complex smoke and mirrors,” he told Eurogamer during Develop. "With all of these things, we're building interesting worlds, and there are so many different ways you can do that. Milo & Kate showed some of that, and some of the things we're working on will show some of that too.

"There are so many different dimensions to it: I often bore on about film, but it shows how much more there is out there that we haven't touched yet in the game space."

Braben also went on to discuss how AI in games have improved by "degrees we haven't noticed."

Via KokuGamer.

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