Friday shorts: LBP2, BlazBlue, Persona 2 PSP, Battlefield Heroes
Well done, [insert name here]. It's Friday. You made it. Now, forget work and go get drunk early. But read some short-based stuff too. Then go get p**sed under a bridge.
- Alice: Madness Returns has gone gold. Watch for more on the game from us soon.
- D'Toid has some new Serious Sam 3 shots. Go get them here.
- Touch screen combos are the devil. At least, that's according to BlazBlue boss Yoshimichi Mori.
- This is a pretty amazing LBP2 FPS level. Watch it here.
- Atlus seems to teasing a US release of Persona 2: Innocent Sin for PSP.
- There's a brand new trailer of D&D: Daggerdale over at RPS.
- Ngmoco's bought European dev Star Cookie, the developer of Star Defense.
- NISA is bring new Breach, Atelier and Cladun titles to the US.
- Paragon's released a new design diary on the Steampunk pack for City of Heroes.
- Pirates are coming to Battlefield Heroes. Whowouldhavethunkit.