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Fortnite player pulls off successful loop using a golf cart

Fortnite's golf carts have more horsepower than you might have expected.

Epic Games brought golf carts to Fortnite with Season 5, and they're certainly one of the updates's most entertaining additions. It's effectively an "All Terrain Kart" that lets you get around the map faster than most vehicles.

But one especially impressive detail? If you build a loop, the golf cart can complete it.

[Repost] First successful loop with the new vehicle?! from r/FortNiteBR

This Reddit post proves the feat is possible, as you can see at the 1:10 mark. You do have to get a bit of momentum built up and activate boosters at the right time, but the golf cart certainly has potential.

Mostly, this should get players excited for the next time Playground mode returns. Who knows what kind of race tracks players will be able to build with its increased resources?

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