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Fortnite gets the Chug Jug and Mutant Storm Event - all patch notes for V2.3.0

Fortnite is currently offline for patching, and with this latest update waves goodbye to its Winter seasonal event. In terms of new stuff though, an exciting new item enters the Battle Royale mode - the Chug Jug - while Save the World players can look forward to the return of the Mutant Storms event.

The Chug Jug is a powerful item that grants the user full health and shields - but at a price.

To use the Chug Jug you have to stand still for 15 seconds, which isn’t a huge deal early on, but during the latter stages of a heated match is an absolute eternity. A strong item indeed, which could really swing things in your favour.


In the Save the World mode, where dedicated players have felt a little left out in terms of updates recently, the Winter content is replaced by the returning Mutant Storms event. This time it’ll also feature mini-bosses that appeared over the holiday season, so you’re not losing out on any variety.

The event will also introduce new quests, where you can earn seasonal gold to spend in an Event Store that stocks special items that rotate every week.

Other notable changes from the patch include increased loot spawns in Fortnite’s new map location, Haunted Hills, as well as the implementation of autorun, and a plethora of bug and UI fixes across both modes.

The full patch notes are below:

Battle Royale


  • Added AutoRun!
  • Input defaults for PC are "=" and "NumLock"
  • Input defaults for controller is double-clicking the left stick.
  • Added a setting to disable aim assist on consoles.
  • Remapped weapon binds on AZERTY keyboards to the top row number keys.

Bug fixes

  • Wooden power poles no longer block building.
  • Spike Traps found in Supply Drops will now stack with other Spike Traps found elsewhere.
  • The Spike Trap’s effective range will now more accurately match the distance of the spike animation. The damage area was previously too large.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the Shield Potion and Slurp Juice visual effects from playing when the player is already shielded.
  • Fixed an issue that made Cozy Campfires appear to be active after they have expired.
  • Fixed an issue which caused collision of eliminated players to persist for too long.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to hide inside of supply drops if the supply drop landed on a crouched player.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to pass through walls as they edited them.
  • Optimized the speed at which players can cycle building pieces under poor network conditions.
  • Fixed an issue which caused dropped items to fall off the edge of the map and spawn near a living player.
  • Kicking a basketball through a soccer net no longer counts as a goal. Soccer balls still count.


Bug fixes

  • Improved the accuracy of grenade arcs.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to switch between two scoped weapons without leaving the scoped view.
  • Player's weapons will no longer disappear for a short time after the effects of the Boogie Bomb wear off.
  • Reduced the delay between throwing a grenade and switching to another weapon.


  • Shadowplay Highlights now records player knockdowns (DBNO).
  • Quitting a match early will no longer award stat or challenge progress. Progress will only be awarded when a player leaves after they are eliminated or have won.

Bug Fixes

  • Players can no longer purchase the Battle Pass x10 Tier bundle when at or above Battle Pass tier 65.
  • We fixed this on January 19th and affected players have been compensated.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed items in the locker to rotate on the wrong axis while spinning them.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the client to lock up after ALT-TABing on PC.
  • While spectating, players will now be returned to scoped view when the spectated player switches between scoped weapons, instead of being pulled into third-person view.
  • Brick building effects have been fixed.
  • Players can now mute party members from the lobby screen.
  • Players banned from voice chat can no longer use it on the lobby screen.


  • Added Auto Decline Friend Requests as a new option for PC players to the Social Widget.
  • When enabled, friend requests will be auto-declined. Enabling this option will decline all pending friend requests.

Bug Fixes

  • Friend and Party invite notifications will now correctly appear for Battle Royale players that have never played Save the World.
  • You no longer open the fullscreen map while spectating a player with report menu up,
    This issue only occurred if a player was using the “Combat Pro” controller config.
  • The radial emote menu will no longer persist after the warm-up phase if left open.
  • Characters pose no longer resets after opening the news widget.
  • The ping value displayed in the Net Debug Stats UI is now more accurate. It will appear higher than before for all players.


  • Lowered volume of bus music and the sound played when jumping out of the bus.
  • Lowered volume of wind sounds played during skydiving and gliding.
  • Lowered the volume of gunfire, footsteps, and impacts during warmup phase.
  • Removed the “Caw” sound layer from the Death Valley pickaxe.
  • Removed some layers from the new pickaxe sounds that could be mistaken for bullet whiz-bys

Bug Fixes

  • Music from dance emotes will no longer overlap.
  • Loot chest audio is no longer hushed by pickaxe impact sounds.


  • Added more loot spawns to Haunted Hills.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing collision on junkyard crane.
  • Fixed two areas where players could hide under the terrain by the edge of the river.
  • Fixed a section of the Moisty Mire water that did not slow players down.
  • Fixed a mine cart in Shifty Shafts that could not be destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue causing the soccer stadium to sometimes not load in properly.
  • Fixed a seam in the terrain near Flush Factory that allowed players to see through the map.
  • Added collision to pillars in Haunted Hills so players can no longer hide inside them.
  • Scoring a goal in the Soccer stadium will now show proper visual effects.

Save the World

  • Mutant Storm event returns!
  • This storm season, Mutant Storms will appear in greater numbers.
  • Mutant Storm mission alerts award Storm Tickets in addition to the Evolution Materials that they usually drop.
  • Quota: 10 per day.
  • Up to 5 Mutant Storms are available at a time in Stonewood, and up to 25 Active Storms are available at a time in Plankerton, Canny Valley, and Twine Peaks.
  • Purchased upgrade Llamas award Storm Tickets.
  • All missions will continue to award Seasonal Gold, and Daily Quests will continue to award Daily Coins.
  • Seasonal Gold will reset once the Spring Event starts, planned for early February.
  • Most Event Quests award Storm Tickets.
  • Some Event Quests award V-Bucks.
  • Hydraulic Weapons and Storm Zone Heroes have returned, and are available in the Storm Llamas during this event.
  • Event Store has been updated!
  • The Legendary Hydra Transform Key is available in the Event Store!
  • The Event Store also offers Legendary Constructor BASE Hype.
  • The Event Storm Llama also has a chance of awarding this hero.
  • Since we're reintroducing the Legendary Hydra with this Mutant Storms event, it can now be recycled, put in the Collection Book and consumes inventory space.
  • For every 1,000 unspent Snowflake tickets, a Holiday Survival Llama will automatically be granted and can be found in the Loot Tab. All remaining tickets will be lost.


  • Mini-bosses are still present on the map, but the number of mission alerts have been reduced from the Holiday event.
  • Up to 3 of these Mini-Boss mission alerts can appear in Stonewood at a time and up to 6 at a time in Plankerton, Canny and Twine.
  • Quota: 3 per day.
  • These Mini-boss alerts have replaced the old generic Mission Alerts that used to be on the map. As a result:
    Mini-boss Alerts can now be played in higher-difficulty missions that you have not unlocked yet.
  • Mini-boss Alerts reward a wide array of items, including transform keys, schematics, survivors, and more!
  • Return of "Mini-Boss" Quests:
    Awards Seasonal Gold currency and is repeatable.
  • Seasonal Gold currency can be used to purchase items from the Event Store.
  • This currency only lasts for a season, so spend it while you can!


  • Added Auto-Run!
  • Input defaults for PC are "=" and "NumLock".
  • Input defaults for controller is double-clicking the left stick.
  • Adjusted several weapon Perk rolls
  • Break shotguns can no longer roll Rate of Fire perks
  • VinderTech Rocket Hammer can now roll Energy and Elemental perks
  • VinderTech and Vacuum Tube sniper rifles can now roll perks that trigger a small explosion of damage after headshot kills.
  • Standardized the damage melee weapons do to the environment.
  • Melee weapons previously varied from 20%-70% of weapon damage depending upon the weapon type and the target material.
  • All weapons are now set to a flat 50% of weapon damage against wood and stone, and 20% versus metal.
  • Pickaxes remain unaffected.

Bug Fixes

  • Lightning Pistol now correctly shows up as part of the Vacuum Tube weapon set.



  • Increased the duration of Keep Out to 10s to match the tooltip. Reduced the damage per tick from 20% of grenade damage to 15% of grenade damage as a result.
  • Increased the damage of Cluster Bomb explosions from 20% of grenade damage to 25%

Bug fixes

  • Frag grenades and cluster bombs will no longer fall through water, which caused Soldier’s to be unable to throw a second grenade.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing TEDDY to have reduced range while firing.
  • Fixed Overbearing Perk so that it properly extends the range of TEDDY.


  • Added Auto Decline Friend Requests as a new option for PC players to the Social Widget.
  • When enabled, friend requests will be auto-declined. Enabling this option will decline all pending friend requests.
    Added count indicator to collection book slots.
  • Added XP counts to the Collection Book Rewards schedule.
  • Added total count to "root" rows on the collection book nav.
  • Power widgets now show buffed power glow when buffed from party members.
  • "Warcry" tooltip now properly displays the melee attack speed bonus.
  • Updated the description of Seasonal Gold to clarify that it is a temporary currency that will be reset at the end of the season.

Bug fixes

  • Consumable item transform keys can now only create items that match the rarity of the key.
  • This will prevent players from accidentally using a high-rarity consumable transform key to create a low-rarity item.
  • Mission alert rewards will no longer show in the objectives menu in-game when the player had already collected the current mission alert or reached their quota.
  • Buying Llamas during the tutorial will no longer cause the UI to have display issues.
  • Fixed a visual issue that made it look like Survivor power levels weren’t increasing after leveling them up.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing large font power levels to appear where teammates names should go.


  • Blinking lights on the Vacuum Tube weapons have been boxed up and put into the attic until next year. The lights have returned to their default orange colour.
  • Energy weapons no longer appear completely blue.

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