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Fire Emblem Three Houses: Recruiting Ashen Wolves Students

Here's how to recruit Yuri, Balthus, Constance and Hapi.

If you've downloaded the Expansion Pass for Fire Emblem: Three Houses, you'll now have access to the fourth house, located in the basement underneath Garreg Mach. While this fourth house forms its own playthrough from the main menu, you can recruit the new students from the DLC campaign to the Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deer. You can recruit Balthus, Yuri, Hapi, and Constance, and in this guide, we'll show you how to recruit Ashen Wolves students.

How to Recruit Ashen Wolves Students in Three Houses

If you wish to recruit any of the four new students to the three main houses of Fire Emblem, you need to be within Garreg Mach Monastery, in free roam. While exploring the Monastery, face Byleth's room, and look right, where you'll see a 'Shifty Merchant' character in a shadowy area.

Approach this character, and they'll ask if you wish to go to the Abyss, the location where the majority of the Cindered Shadows DLC campaign takes place. You need to have reached Chapter 2 of the DLC campaign in order to access this area from the main game, but this should take you less than two hours to accomplish.

Once you're in the Abyss, you can explore the relatively small underground town to your heart's content. It's here that you'll find Balthus, Hapi, Yuri, and Constance all hanging out in separate areas.

Approach any one of them, and Byleth will have the option to introduce themselves to the new students. After this short conversation with each of them, you'll be able to hit the conversation option to 'Recruit' the newcomer you're speaking to.

However, there are prerequisites for recruiting each individual Ashen Wolves student. This isn't like in the main portion of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, where you need to have increased one of your skills to a desirable level. Instead, you'll need to have reached a certain point in the Cindered Shadows campaign, and for each student we've highlighted the required point below.

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Recruiting Hapi

To recruit Hapi from Ashen Wolves, just reach Chapter 5 in the Cindered Shadows campaign.

How to Recruit Constance

In order to recruit Constance from Ashen Wolves you'll need to reach a certain point in the Cindered Shadows campaign. More specifically, hit Chapter 2.

Recruiting Balthus

Reaching Chapter 4 in the Cindered Shadows campaign will unlock Balthus for recruitment.

How to Recruit Yuri

To recruit Yuri in Fire Emblem Three Houses, you'll just need to reach Chapter 6 in the DLC campaign.

Overall, there are seven total chapters in the Cindered Shadows campaign. The overall campaign itself can be completed in around eight hours, so this should give you some idea of how long it'll take to recruit all four new students to other houses.

That's how to recruit each of the Ashen Wolves students in Fire Emblem Three Houses. For more on the game check out our guide on Lost Items. Elsewhere there's our breakdown of the Dancer class.

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