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Final Fantasy 15 Death Spell video shows Noctis make short work of enemies

During TwitchCon last week, Final Fantasy 15 team members showed off a death spell which is cast using the Lucii ring. You can now see this in action below without having to watch the entire Twitch stream.

Watch on YouTube

The video was released separate last week, but it just popped up in our feed today, so apologies for the late post.

According to what the developers revealed in the stream, the death spell sucks the life force out of enemies until they collapse. It kind of makes me feel bad for the large creatures it's being used against - much more so than when Noctis uses his massive sword on them.

But, it's better to have dead enemies than be dead yourself, so there's that.

Final Fantasy 15 is out on PS4 and Xbox One on November 29 after originally being slated for a September release.

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