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Far Cry 5 Guns for Hire - Best Guns for Hire Recruits and how do you get Them? Fangs for Hire and Fighters

Far Cry 5 is a big game full of things to do. In this guide we'll detail how to recruit the dog, bear, and cat, how to earn money quickly, the best perks in Far Cry 5, Prepper Stash Locations, helicopters and planes, and how to fish. Also how to play Far Cry 5 Coop with friends, crafting, and weapon upgrades.

Guns for Hire in Far Cry 5 are essentially people (and animals, Fangs for Hire) who you can recruit to fight alongside you. In this guide to Far Cry 5 Guns for Hire we'll explain how to get each Gun for Hire, what benefits each gun for hire brings to the table, and how to unlock an additional slot so you can equip two Guns for Hire.

For more help with Far Cry 5, head over to our Far Cry 5 guide hub. We've got loads of info on the game, including how to liberate cult outposts and what needs to be done before you can face off against Jacob, the leader of the cult.

Far Cry 5 Guns for Hire

In total there are nine Guns for Hire in Far Cry 5. Six of these are humans while three are animals (Fangs for Hire). Each Gun for Hire must be unlocked by completing special missions, and each has a set of special skills that will come in handy while fighting the cult.


Boomer the dog is a Fan for Hire. To get Boomer you must help Boomer at the Rae-Rae’s Pumpkin Farm in Holland Valley.

Nick Rye

Nick is a Gun for Hire who can use his plane to attack from the sky. To get Nick you must help him at the Rye’s and Son Aviation in Holland Valley to unlock him as a Gun for Hire.

Grace Armstrong

Grace is a sniper, so is great at taking out enemies from distance. To get Grace, help her at the Lamb of God Church in Holland Valley to unlock her as a Gun for Hire.


Cheeseburger the bear is a Fang for Hire. To get Cheeseburger you must help Wade at the FANG Center in Whitetail Mountains to unlock Cheeseburger as a Fang for Hire.

Hurk Drubman Jr

Hurk is an RPG specialist, able to take down ground and air vehicles with ease. To get Hurk you must help him at the Fort Drubman in Whitetail Mountains to unlock him as a Gun for Hire.

Jess Black

Jess is an expert at stealth so great for taking out enemies while staying hidden. To get Jess, help her at the Baron Lumber Mill in Whitetail Mountains to unlock her as a Gun for Hire.


Peaches the cat is a Fang for Hire and great at stalking enemies. To get Peaches the cat, help Mable at the Peaches Taxidermy in Henbane River to unlock Peaches as a Fang for Hire.

Sharky Boshaw

Sharky is an explosives expert and is also resistant to most explosives. To get sharky you must help him at the Moonflower Trailer Park in Henbane River to unlock him as a Gun for Hire.

Adelaide Drubman

Adelaide flies a helicopter and will provide air support. She's also got guns with very big magazines so doesn't have to reload as often. To get Adelaide, help her at the Drubman Marina in Henbane River to unlock her as a Gun for Hire.

Fighters for Hire in Far Cry 5

As well as being able to recruit Guns for Hire and Fangs for Hire, you'll also be able to help out NPCs along the way that will work for you as fighters. These NPCs take up the same slots as the Guns and Fangs for Hire, but they come with unlockable bonuses. Once a Fighter has achieved a certain number of kills, these bonuses will be unlocked, and they can often buff your own abilities.

Linda Stout, a soldier unlocked early in the game, will tag all enemies at the start of an encounter and make you un-trackable in tall grass. It's worth looking at your situation to work out what specialists or fighters are worth equipping.

How to Unlock an Extra Slot for Guns for Hire

At the start of Far Cry 5 you only have one slot for equipping a Gun for Hire/Fang for Hire/Fighter. In order to unlock an extra slot you must use the perk system. By spending 6 Perk Points you can unlock the Leadership perk, which will give you a total of two slots in which to equip your choice of recruits.

For help with other areas of Far Cry 5, check out our Far Cry 5 Perks Guide. It's got info on the best perks to unlock and how to earn perk points.