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Far Cry 4 co-op can be played with PSN friends who don't own the game - plus new footage

Far Cry 4 was shown at the Sony conference with a video showing co-op gameplay. When you buy Far Cry 4, you can invite PS3 or PS4 friends to join even if they don't have the game, according to Sony's Adam Boyes.

Take a look at the seven minutes of gameplay below - it's pretty action-packed, as you'd expect from a Far Cry game. Elephants and all, y'know.

It's pretty amazing to think that you'll be able to share a next-gen game with a friend; presumably, Sony's Gaikai tech is being used to power the PSN-exclusive feature, like PS Now. More details on this scheme - called Keys to Kyrat - is available on the PlayStation Blog.

Far Cry 4 is coming to PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, too, in November.

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