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Famitsu: Valkyria Chronicles 3 confirmed... for PSP


Have you been marking down the days on your calendar until Valkyria Chronicles makes its glorious return to the big, beautiful realm of HD?

Well, you might want to go ahead and grab a few new calendars. Does Costco sell calendars?

According to a listing in the most recent issue of Famitsu, Valkyria Chronicles 3 is returning for another gritty, blood-soaked tour of duty in happy, colorful, I-think-the-sun-just-winked-at-me anime land all right.


Valkyria Chronicles 3's existence was already more confirmed than most games released during the SNES era thanks to a slip-up from Sega and  a teaser site, but the publisher still had the game's platform under wraps.

Many fans and a few art museum curators had their fingers crossed for PS3, but if Famitsu's typically reliable info is accurate, those people are out of luck.

The game will release on January 27, 2011 in Japan, will have a new and original story with a new set of leading characters and is based in the same time period as the original Valkyria Chronicles. It's focused on a group known as the "Nameless".

Thanks, Siliconera and Andriasang.

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