Fallout 4 voiceovers have been in the works for four years
The Fallout 4 development team has had voiced protagonists in mind all along.
Fallout 4 is the first in the series to feature a fully voiced protagonist, and for a series so wordy, it's a serious change.
In the video below, several members of the development team and the two voice actors responsible for bringing the protagonists to life discuss how Fallout 4 differs from other gaming projects. Voice and motion capture work began years ago, instead of being rushed out at the end of development, and there was plenty of back and forth between the recording teams and the rest of Bethesda.
This the second half of a panel focusing on the development of Fallout 4; the first half also discussed why the project differs from most games - in this case, because team members are doing what they want to rather than working to a brief.
Fallout 4 launches on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 10.