Fallout 4 mod spotlight: craft thousands of baby decoys with notShaun
Fallout 4 is all about finding your baby. Don't let anyone forget it.
My current favourite Fallout 4 mod is for the vault dweller who is "obsessed with leaving animated notShauns around the Commonwealth to remind you and everyone else of your missing baby", according to creator Gawl40.
Feel just about as lore-friendly as Bethesda's own sporadic reminders that you care about finding your baby and not, for example, amassing a Power Armor collection, building a trade empire, or obsessively collecting clothing, which is what I spend most of my Fallout 4 time doing.
Called notShaun, the mod allows you to create little animated babies from wood at any chem workbench. Not only can you scatter these around the place (including popping them in cribs if the lack of infants bothers you), you can load them into your junk jet and fire them at high speed at baddies.
Perfection. The lack of physics just makes the whole thing better, I reckon.
If you enjoy this one you may also wish to revisit the one that swaps babies in for mini-nukes, so you can shoot them out of a FatMan.