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Fallout 4 - making an animated Space Invaders billboard

One Fallout 4 player details how he created an animated Space Invaders alien billboard in the game.

Imgur user Rytackle has put up a detailed post explaining how he managed to create a working, animated billboard using Fallout 4's building tools.

First, Rytackle did a mockup of the blocks that make up the Space Invaders alien in Photoshop and settled down on two animation frames (on and off) and one part that's always on. The always-on part has its own power source (four large generators).


Here's the part that will stay on.


This image shows the alien from the back. 18 blocks wide and 8 blocks high, with each light box needing one power, or five large generators.


He then goes into great detail of how animation frames A and B work, including wiring details.

The end result is this, and if you're tenacious enough, maybe you can have this in your game, too.

XogORU5 - Imgur

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