Fallout 4 high resolution texture patch now in beta on Steam, but you need 58GB for all that shiny
Fallout 4, but even prettier. What can you delete to make room?
Fallout 4 PC players can now opt into a new beta patch via Steam.
The patch delivers high resolution textures to Fallout 4, but the system requirements mean this one's not for everyone.
In addition to the whopping 58GB of drive space you'll need to store all your fabulous new Fallout 4 textures, your system will have to match or exceed the following to take advantage of them:
- Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
- Intel Core i7-5820K or better
- GTX 1080 8GB/AMD Radeon RX 490 8GB
- 8GB+ Ram
If your system is borderline or everything goes spectacularly wrong, you can disable the high resolution textures from Fallout 4's launcher, so don't be afraid to give it a go.
Anyway, that's not all the latest Fallout 4 beta update does. Here are the full patch notes:
- New Features
- Support for High Resolution Texture Pack
- Added Featured category for mods
- Added ability to sort Highest Rated and Most Favorited filters by today, week, month and all time
- Added number of ratings count to Mods Browsing Menu
- Added number of favorites count to Mod Details page
- Added required dependencies to Mod Details page
- Added latest version number and notes to Mod Details page
- Fixes
- General performance and stability improvements
- Improvements to Reporting mods categories
- Fixed occasional crashes while scrolling through Load Order menu
- Improved Bethesda.net error messaging
As usual, this patch is coming to general Fallout 4 players after it's been tested. If you want to volunteer to have a go now, opt in via Steam.
Fallout 4 is also getting a PS4 Pro patch and some sort of Xbox One update in the near future.