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Fallout 4 Creation Club goes live with a stack of cosmetic DLC, complete with horse armour joke

Fallout 4 players can now fork out for (mostly) community-authored DLC, if that's their thing.

The Fallout 4 Creation Club has gone live on PC. Forgotten what that means? It's Bethesda's latest attempt to bring modders into its economy without biting into the existing collection of free mods.

The jury's still out on Creation Club but the first batch of content is very much in, and accessible in Fallout 4 via the RPG's latest Steam Beta update. The new DLC items, which you can check out below, must be purchased with credits, a currency you can purchase via Steam the PSN or Xbox Live. On PC and Xbox Live, credits can be used for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition, but this isn't possible on the PSN.

Everyone's getting 100 credits for Creation Club content to celebrate its arrival in Fallout 4, which may motivate you to browse. Some of the material sounds actually useful in-game, while others are just cosmetics.

On the useful side of things, the Chinese Stealth Armor makes you nearly invisible, and the Homemade Shotgun and Prototype Gauss Rifle give you more weapon options in Fallout 4.

More compellingly, the customisable Modular Military Backpack increases your carry weight, and there are two new sets of power armor. The Hellfire Power Armor is described as " big, beautiful and utterly terrifying" as well as "ultra-protective", while the Giddyup Buttercup-themed Power Horse Armor is a reference to Bethesda's most notorious piece of DLC.

Three new Pip-Boy paint job options give you a chance to spruce your most important Fallout 4 companion.

Still with cosmetics, there's a Black power armour paint job, a set of modern furniture for workshop crafting, and Morgan’s Space Suit from Prey. It's not clear whether this last one has any in-game effects, though.

No word yet on when the Creation Club update will roll out to the full version of Fallout 4 on PC, and then to consoles. Bethesda did say the Skyrim Creation Club arrives for the Special Edition build next month, though.

Here are the patch notes for Fallout 4 1.10, which is currently only available as a beta update on Steam; visit for instructions on how to access it.

Fallout 4 1.10 Update patch notes

    New Features
  • Creation Club
  • Message of the Day
  • Support for ESL file format
  • Mods - patch version numbers and notes added to Mod Details page
    Bug Fixes
  • General stability fixes related to enabling and disabling Mods
  • Minor fixes to functionality

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