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Faliszek: 360 community is "head and shoulders above the PS3"


Valve's Chet Faliszek has said since the Xbox 360 community is "head and shoulders above the PS3", it's one of the reasons that the developer bypasses the Sony console.

"Right now for Left 4 Dead 2 we're looking at PC and 360 because the community aspects really fit the game - it's all about playing with your friends," he said. "But that's the short term. What we're looking at for the long term... if it works out, it works out.

"Right now don't not buy it on the 360 because you think it's coming out on the PS3 - it's not going to. Right? It's coming out on the PC and 360. It's going to be exclusive for that.

"In hooking up with your friends and the community aspects, I think the Xbox 360 is head and shoulders above the PS3. The 360 and PC are on par, right?"

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