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Faith and a .45 development grinds to a halt

Faith and a .45

Deadline's confirmed that Faith and a .45 development has come to a screeching halt.

Cessation of work on the game was rumored last week.

Blame it on the upcoming Watchmen: The End is Nigh, slated for a March 6 release along with the film, according to developer boss CEO Chris Mottes.

"During the past year our team has been fully occupied with the development of Watchmen: The End is Nigh," he said.

"We are proud to work on such a high quality online product and excited by how well it has been received by the press already," said Mottes.

Mottes said that while development of the Great Depression era game was indeed stalled, work does continue on a "negotiation level".

Full thing on Eurogamer.

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