EVE Online is 12 years old today, has presents for you
EVE Online is having a birthday.
Can you believe EVE Online is 12 years old? 12 years of an evolving universe and economy, layered with all kinds of weird and wonderful emergent gameplay.
CCP Games thanked its player base and celebrated the anniversary in a blog post, reminding all active players that they'll be gifted with the Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3, Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4, Women’s ‘Gunner’ Jacket (Mordu’s Legion) and Men’s ‘Marshal’ Jacket (Mordu’s Legion) in honour of the occasion.
"Today marks a point in time 12 years ago when a flood of new identities were created in New Eden, and a handful of intrepid pilots took to the stars to explore a cold, harsh and unforgiving new world," community manager CCP_Falcon said.
"Over a decade later that world has been transformed by players across the globe, becoming one of the largest and most vibrant works of science fiction in existence.
"The actions, reactions, hopes, aspirations, dreams, success and failure of capsuleers both individually and as collective groups over the last twelve years has shaped an immense, sprawling backstory that has become one of the grandest space operas to ever occur, and the best part of the story is that it still evolves as we march into the second decade of New Eden's legacy.
"From all of us here at CCP, to what is without a doubt the finest online gaming community in existence, we raise a beer on the 12th anniversary of EVE Online, and thank you immensely for your dedication and loyalty to the EVE Universe, and for your continued support for EVE."