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Euro PS Store and Plus Update, September 28 - Rochard, FIFA 12, BF3 open beta, FONV

Sony has posted the update for the European end of the PS Store with lots of things heading your way today and this week, so let's not waste any time getting you the highlights.

Hitting today is Resident Evil: Code Veronica HD, Rochard, and SOE's MMO Free Realms also arrives today and while it is free to play, you can purchase subs for it as well. More information on that is through the link.

Tomorrow, the open multiplayer beta for Battlefield 3 starts and Friday, the FIFA 12 demo will be made available along with the full game for download for £54.99/€69.99.

Borderlands Game of the Year edition is also on sale this week for £11.99/€14.99, and the God of War Game Directors Documentary is available as a free download.

Plus content this week includes Mercury Hg for 20 percent off, and Code Veronica HD for 50 percent off.

Trial and unlocks this week are Max and the Magic Marker – Gold edition and Mercury Hg.

Full games for PS3 are Arkedo Series – 03 Pixel, Child of Eden, Crysis 2, De Blob 2, Elemental Monster, Homefront, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and Saints Row 2.

The PSP crowd can download FIFA 12 on Friday.

Add-on content this week includes: Dead Nation – Road to Devastation, Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer – Comedy Pack, Duke Nukem Forever – Hail to the Icons Parody Pack, Elemental Monster, Fallout: New Vegas Courier’s Stash and Gun Runners Arsenal, NBA Jam: On Fire Edition – Time Is Money Pack, and a Slipknot Pack 02 for Rock Band 3.

Plenty more is through the link.

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