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Epic Games hire Laura Fryer as general manager of Seattle Studio

Epic Games has announced the hiring of Laura Fryer as general manager of its new Seattle studio. This particular branch is currently working on the company's Unreal Engine 4 technology. Fryer arrives having enjoyed more than 17 years of industry experience.

Fryer previously spent four years as general manager of Warner Bros Games in Seattle, where she supervised development on titles including Gotham City Imposters and Guardians of Middle Earth.

She also shipped numerous titles as one of Microsoft Game Studio's first employees. Fryer acted as producer on MS's first release of She progressed into a director role at the Xbox Advanced Technology Group and became a founding member of the Xbox project.

While in this role, Fryer launched XNA, created the Xbox Advisory Board, prepared Xbox Developer Support and lead game events across the globe. When in the role of executive producer at the studios, she shipped the first two Gears of War titles.

Fryer's background indicate she is a natural choice for Epic.

"Laura Fryer is one of the brightest leaders of the game industry today, and we’re thrilled to have her guide our new Seattle studio," said Epic Games President Dr. Michael Capps. "Laura was a key member of the Gears of War team, and we’ve long hoped to work with her again."

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