EGX Rezzed: Leftfield Collection line-up contains 16 PC titles, three mobile games
Rezzed organizers have announced the Leftfield Collection line-up for EGX Rezzed, which takes place March 28-30.
The line-up, which consists of 16 PC titles and three mobile games, are as follows:
PC games
- 0RBITALIS, by Alan Zucconi
- Biome, by Knick Knack
- Dungeon of the Endless, by Amplitude Studios
- forma.8, by MixedBag
- FRACT OSC, by Phosfiend Systems
- Mighty Tactical Shooter, by Sock Thuggery
- Narcissus, by AlexVsCoding
- One Upon Light, by SUTD Game Lab
- Private Eye, by Slacker Games
- Salvaged, by Opposable Games
- Space Engineers, by Keen Software House
- Super Piñata Pro, by Edd Parris
- TerraTech
- The ARC, by Pixel Balloon
- Three Body Problem, by Robin Burkinshaw
- TRI, by Rat King
Mobile and tablet titles
- Skies of Saturn, by FourceLabs
- Motorsport Manager, by Christian West
- Perloo, by Perceptor
EGX Rezzed takes place at the NEC in Birmingham, where Alien: Isolation will be playable and DayZ's Dean Hall will host a developer session.