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EA Russia mentions Left 4 Dead 2 for PS3 [Update]


Update: Listing has been taken down. It's now a Xbox 360 only game again.

Update 2: EA insist both listings for Mass Effect 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 were posted in "error".

Original Story: The EA Russia website has listed a PlayStation 3 version of Left 4 Dead 2.

Previously, Valve has categorically said before they aren't working on the PS3, so either this is a massive f**k-up or EA Russia is doing the jump on everyone. It's the former, almost certainly.

Ex-KGB will be called in to kill whoever put up the listings, accidental or not.

We'll leave an email with Valve. For fun, like.

Earlier, the same site also listed a PS3 version of Mass Effect 2.

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