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EA refuses to process Rock Band warranty request in Ireland

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Videogaming247 has gotten hold of an email correspondence between an irate Irish Rock Band customer and EA customer services, wherein EA says it's unable to honour warranty requests in Ireland.

The costumer had requested a replacement drum pedal, but EA would only send it to either the US or UK.

"Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to process warranty requests in Ireland," says the mail.

"If you know anyone in the United States or United Kingdom that we could send a replacement pedal to for you, we can do that."

The customer now has to call EA in order to get the pedal posted to his sister, who lives in the UK. EA has not offered to pay the shipping costs from the UK to Ireland.

To top it all off, one question from the punter has gone completely unanswered by the firm:

"Can you please tell why having paid €240 you cannot provide support to Ireland? Surely if the game is on sale here then it should be covered by warranty? This doesn't really make any sense to me at all."

Doesn't make any sense to us either.

By Mike Bowden

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