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EA: Medal of Honor won't be a "propaganda piece"


EA's told IncGamers Medal of Honor won't be barking out The Star Spangled Banner.

"It's not going to be a big propaganda piece where we wave the flag, or anything like that," said GM of EALA Sean Decker. "It's literally about the people that're on the ground."

Decker also went as far as comparing the shooter to the movie "The Hurt Locker".

"I think, again, it was trying to stay out of all the politics," he said.

"There's been a lot of really good movies – the Gotham Awards just came out and Hurt Locker was the top one. It has nothing to do with the war in Iraq and why it started, or anything else – it's just about the men on the ground, what they go through on a day-to-day basis, and their emotions."

The reboot, which is being co-developed by EALA and EA DICE on the single-player and multiplayer aspects respectively, was recently given an estimated release for Q2 FY2011, or July-September 2010.

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