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EA at gamescom 2014: every headline from the press conference

EA's gamescom 2014 press conference was marred by a choppy livestream, but the publisher still brought its A-game.


EA didn't faff about this year; it had a solid line up of games to show and it just got on with it. Some of the presentations felt a little long - I needed to pee about 45 seconds in, so, you know - but that's a lot better than sizzle trailers and hours of executive waffle, right?

The stream had a very rocky start, with many fans unable to watch the Dragon Age: Inquisition gameplay demo. We're hoping EA will release an archived version of just that bit soon. Unfortunately, it wasn't preserved in the Twitch archive, as the stream cut out entirely several times - but you can watch the whole conference on EA's gamescom hub.

Or you could just read all about it, as they say. Here's the news:

There's now only one major presentation remaining - Konami, at 8:00PM CET. If you need to catch up on Sony and Microsoft, we have you covered.

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