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Dragon Age Legends: Remix 01 hacks, slashes, defies conventional development methods

This is pretty damn cool. Remember Dragon Age's Facebook game, Legends? Well, EA let indie dev Pixelante crack it open, scramble its insides a bit, and create an entirely different game. The result? Lightning-paced hack 'n' slasher Dragon Age Legends: Remix 01.

Unlike the original Facebook game - which emphasizes strategy and, er, microtransactions - Remix 01 asks that you check your brain at the door and (literally) run around waving your sword like a particularly awful pinata-slayer. It's simple, quick fun - not unlike Pixelante's previous games, which include Pixel Legions and ImmorTall.

Granted, if Legends' Facebook dark magic has already taken over your life, don't expect Remix 01 to wean you off it. Completing levels in the off-shoot, you see, unlocks new items in Legends. We can't decide if that's diabolical or brilliant. Probably both.

At any rate, the game's just a hop, skip, and short loading screen away over at IGN. Unless you have no hands, it's pretty self-explanatory. So have at it.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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