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Dino Crisis, Ridge Racer 2 and SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny could be coming to PlayStation Plus Premium

Dino Crisis mentioned once again.

Dino Crisis, Ridge Racer 2, and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny may be heading to PlayStation Plus Premium users if information previously posted on the Italian PlayStation Blog is any indication.

According to those who saw the post before the edit, the blog mentioned the PS1 and PSP classics would be available for the Premium tier later this month, alongside other titles.

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Either the blog posted the news early, or it got the dates mixed up (thanks, Push Square).

This isn't the first we've heard of Dino Crisis coming to the PlayStation Plus Classics catalog. Back in May, an image of the game's protagonist was posted to the PlayStation Plus storefront in Asia.

Developed by Capcom and released in 1999 for PS1, Dino Crisis is a survival horror and action-adventure title created by Shinji Mikami (founder of Tango Gameworks). The game focuses on outbreaks of dinosaurs in various environments on an island where a group of agents is investigating a research facility.

Arcade racer Ridge Racer 2 was released by Namco in 1994 and is an updated version of the first Ridge Racer. The game was released for PSP back in 2006 with additional courses.

The other PSP game, Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, was released in 2009 and features gameplay and features similar to Soulcalibur 4. The game introduced two new characters with the release: Kratos from the God of War series and the original character Dampierre.

The revamped PlayStation Plus launched on June 13 in the Americas and Europe on June 22.

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