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Destiny: Rise of Iron Exotic gameplay shows off Thunderlord's new Void and Solar cousins - Abbadon and Nova Mortis

Destiny: Rise of Iron fills an Exotic niche that's gone empty for too long with two new Exotic machine guns.

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Destiny: Rise of Iron's enormous holiday update delivers plenty of goodies, including two new Exotics - Abbadon and Nova Mortis.

These Void and Solar machine guns are designed to complement the mighty Thunderlord. Arekkz has had a go with the two new Exotics and you can see how they play in Destiny: Rise of Iron by gluing your eyeballs to the video above. How convenient for you.

If you like the look of Abbadon and Nova Mortis, check out some Destiny: Rise of Iron holiday update screenshots showing off the new Exotics as well as a stack of fresh Ornaments.

The Destiny: Rise of Iron holiday update drops December 13 and is loaded with goodies - including a Year 3 Icebreaker. Phwoar.

Destiny: Rise of Iron is likely to be the last iteration before Destiny 2 drops, and the Live Team seems pretty determined to keep things lively until then.

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