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Destiny: new Iron Banner gear includes helmets, shotgun - see everything here

Destiny players can complete their PvP collections with the next Iron Banner.


When the Iron Banner returns to Destiny: The Taken King at the end of the month, the Lord of Iron will offer some pretty sweet goodies.

An auto rifle and shotgun will both be up for grabs. Helmets, boots and class items will be available for every class, along with some sweet alternate helmets and class items for PlayStation players only.

Equip your best Iron Banner shader and emblem to help your reputation grow faster, and you'll be eligible for the following as you climb the ranks:

  • Rank 2: helmets in post-match drops
  • Rank 3: boots for sale; class items and auto rifles in post-match drops
  • Rank 4: helmets and auto rifles for sale; shotgun in post-match drops
  • Rank 5: shotgun for sale

Check out some images below. Lord Saladin returns to the tower on December 29.






Below you'll see the PlayStation exclusive content.


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