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Derby could get road named after Lara Croft


UK town Derby is considering naming a new ring road after local heroine Lara Croft.

According to a ThisIsDerby story, suggested names have included Florence Nightingale Way and Lara Croft Way.

Florence Nightingale was a noted humanitarian attributed with saving the lives of many thousands of injured soldiers during the Crimean War. Lara Croft is a overly-mammarized videogame character attributed with making a bunch of money by jumping around and shooting a bit.

"Personally I would be in favour of something that projects something new and modern about the city," said John Forkin, director of Marketing Derby.

"I quite like the Lara Croft idea."

Pathetic. Just call it Lara's Ring and have done with it.

Thanks, TombRaiderChronicles.

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