David Cage: look to indie developers for change
Gamespot AU's Laura Parker recently spoke with Quantic Dream's David Cage about just what exactly is going on in his head, and he discussed how he may not be the man to make the games industry evolve from where it is now to realizing its potential.
"The answer to the industry's problems could very well come from the indie space," Cage said. "I know that. Indie game development is exciting, interesting, and risky. Independent game developers are pioneers, and we're in desperate need of pioneers. When you look at cinema, you can see the same thing; it was really the underground filmmakers that brought about the revolution and broke free of what the big studios were doing. Maybe this is what needs to happen in the games industry."
What do you guys think? Is it time to embrace the indies and eschew the Same Old Thing? Or would you rather things stay the way they are?