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Dante's Inferno was greenlighted the moment it was pitched


During EA's Winter Showcase in West London, the EU PS Blog had a chance to sit down with the executive producer of Dante's Inferno, Jonathan Knight.

In the chat, Knight mentioned that from the moment he pitched the idea of bringing the literary classic into the 21st century via an action game, he pretty much "got the greenlight right away".

"The bosses of the games label at EA and the executives thought it was a great idea right away," he revealed. "Like me, they saw the potential in the mythology and how nobody's ever taken on that sort of medieval, christian notion of the afterlife as kind of a real place that you go to under the ground. There's monsters and demons and rivers, and it's just a crazy fantastical vision that Dante Aligeri had for Hell.

"My execs just immediately saw potential there for a great game."

The video is posted passed the break, and in it, Knight also reveals what was taken literally from the text and what they took liberties with. Good stuff, there.

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