Nintendo (Page 104)
Super Mario Bros. 2 Creator Kensuke Tanabe on Super Mario Maker's Missing Piece
Does the director of the oddball NES classic feel snubbed over his game's absence in Nintendo's upcoming game design tool?
On the Show Floor: Glimpsing the New Vikings Stadium in Madden 16, Star Fox Disappointment, and Star Wars: Battlefront
Kat gets a glimpse of the future, and in some ways, the past as well.
Nintendo Seems Hell-Bent on Co-Opting Everyone Else's Kid-Friendly Franchises
From strategic to sassy, Nintendo is taking lessons (and a bite) of every hot kids' property they can.
Hell Freezes Over as EarthBound Beginnings Hits the Wii U Virtual Console
In an unexpected move, Nintendo finally releases the first game in the Mother series, one they originally localized 25 years ago. Here's why you should care—and come prepared.