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Call of Duty: Ghosts Free Fall map available to all as patches hit every platform, notes inside

Call of Duty: Ghosts has received an update on all formats that makes dynamic pre-order map Free Fall available to all, and adds a wealth of gameplay fixes and changes.


Here's the patch notes for Call of Duty: Ghosts for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One:

Patch notes (all platforms)

New features

  • Allow Free Fall to be available for everyone.
  • All challenges are now active operations at once.
  • Main Menu layout update.
  • Update to Gold Camo tracking. Now shows how many camos left to unlock Gold.
  • Added Hunted Free For All leaderboard.
  • Added Weapon Operations to the Operations menu.


  • Removed tracker sight exploit on Warhawk.


  • Prevents players from inappropriately modifying 'kick' messages.
  • Anti-cheat tool updates.


  • Made changes to Clan v Clan: Remove bomb timer sounds, and restrict Ghillie suit use.
  • Fix for not allowing people in an eSports system link game from viewing third person.
  • Fixes issue where CODCaster icon was erroneously showing up for remote players on a private match client machine.
  • Fixed issue that could cause a user to get booted for repeatedly changing classes during match.
  • Fixed issue where preset camera buttons were not working while the fullscreen map is up.

Additional fixes

  • Fix to destroy planted explosives if they are placed on top of a care package and then care package is claimed before explosive.
  • Fix for players that switch teams to see correct colored notifications when their allies use kill streaks.
  • Fix KD history not updating in team matches that expire on time.
  • Fixed the title only displaying the first two characters of the user's gamertag in a Private Match lobby when that user does not have the same map packs as host.
  • Fixed weapon information in Player Card to allow proper weapons to be seen in clan details.
  • Fixed minor graphical bug related to UI rendering.
  • Various bug fixes regarding non-active controllers following invites.
  • Fixed a thermal sight issues that could allow the user to skip the raise animation.
  • Fix for player "Time Played" category overlapping text.
  • Fixing issues where guest accounts can open the leaderboards menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the challenge "Sponge III" was not tracking as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the XP points popup showed for kills in killcams.
  • Fixed issue where monthly/all time filters didn't work for the squads leaderboards.
  • Fixed rare instance where player is unable to call out a killstreak or care package after earning.
  • Added the ability to retain intel challenges for an extra life using Resilience.


  • Casual mode added to Local and Solo matches - limited achievements available and no leaderboard posting.
  • Hardcore Mode added to Local, Solo, and Custom Matches for Point of Contact and Nightfall.
  • Numerous fixes to Nightfall.
  • Reduced the radius for Explosive Ammo.
  • Fixed a cash exploit while dropping money.
  • Fixed a bad location on Nightfall for one of the Stay in the Marked Area challenges.
  • Nightfall now properly tracks "Mission's Completed" on the Player Card.
  • Point of Contact and Nightfall Leaderboards now both properly track Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The columns were reversed in previous TUs.

Additional PC specific update

  • P2P auth improvements.
  • Fix for false positive VAC ban message when Steam servers are non-responsive or if the user's VAC status cannot be determined.

Additional Xbox One specific update

  • Added LAN support.
  • Kinect voice command fix for selecting game modes.
  • Fixed incorrect messaging that could occur for local parties.

Additional Xbox 360 specific update

  • Console bans now display an error message at login.
  • Fixed issue where game host wouldn't receive an error message after not disabling party chat.

Via CVG.

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