Cage - industry suffering from "Peter Pan syndrome," needs to "grow up"
David Cage wants the games industry to "grow up" and start developing mature title which aren't shooters.
Speaking in an interview with Gamasutra during gamescom, Cage said he believes the industry is suffering from a case of "Peter Pan syndrome."
"I think we should have more courage in our industry and take more risks, because I think this is what the industry needs now," he said. "I mean, how many first person shooters can you make? How many monsters/aliens/zombies can you kill in games? There's a moment where we need to grow up. We need to grow up.
"I often think that the industry suffers of the Peter Pan syndrome. It's the fact that we don't want to grow up, so we stay kids. But there is a moment where you need to grow up as an industry. And you cannot keep up with the Peter Pan syndrome. You need to grow. And I think this is the right time."
Beyond: Two Souls is the latest from Cage's firm Quantic Dream, and it's slated for release on PS3 with a date still unconfirmed.