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Bungie claims "Maddie" teaser reference is "pure coincidence" to McCann disappearance

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Posting on the official Halo forums, Bungie writer Luke Smith (Lukems) assured everyone that the "Maddie, where are you?" slogan in yesterday's teaser was pure coincidence as far as any relation to the 2007 Maddie McCann disappearance goes.

"As always, all of the characters in our games are fictional," he wrote. "Any similarities between real life and the characters in our games are purely coincidental."

"That said, this is both an unfortunate and untended [sic] coincidence," he added.

In yet another rebuttle, Bungie's Brian Jarrard, aka Sketchfactor, has posted a note over at fansite "This is an unfortunate coincidence but there is no connection between Bungie's game and the tragic disappearance of that little girl."

That's that then.

By Mike Bowden

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