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BULLETCAST, March 24 – what you need to know now

Here's everything you need to know right now. Shotgun transition effects added.




  • 3DS launches in Europe tonight. Get all the details here.
  • Sony's claimed Geohot's run away to South America to avoid handing over hard drives related to the ongoing PS3 hacker case. Hotz's lawyer has pushed back against the drive claims, but has failed to confirm whether or not George has busted the Mexican border.
  • BF3's melee combat includes punches, counters and throws. There's more here.
  • Raven's involvement in Call of Duty's been confirmed in a job ad.
  • Forza 4's been rumoured to feature 500 cars, a Kinect casual mode and new career mode.
  • Dead Island's team is trying to get all the emotion from the dead girl trailer into the game itself, we're told.

Now shoot up the day.

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