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Browser-based Shadowrun Online announce

Shadowrun's making a return with a browser-based online game, its been announced this morning.

Shadowrun Online is a top-down game that's currently in development at Cliffhanger Productions, the developer of Jagged Alliance Online, but a publisher and distributor has yet to come on board.

The title's being developed in conjunction with co-creator Jordan Weisman.

The first newsletter on the game that was sent out said: ""Here at Cliffhanger Central we have been busy sticking it to the megacorps and trying to go solo on developing the game.

"So far we have gained at least enough creds to go into pre-production and will kick off our development next month. That being said - if any of you can spare a million or two, we are happy to help you spend it."

No date as yet. The last attempt at a Shadowrun game was the 2007 cross-platform affair on Xbox 360 and PC between FASA Interactive and Microsoft Game Studios

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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