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Bored of your Wii? Microsoft wants you to buy an Xbox 360

Microsoft's general manager of Interactive Entertainment product marketing Matt Barlow - aka, 'the one with the longest job title ever' - has stated the case for buying an Xbox 360 if you're bored with your Wii, and has absolutely nothing to do with the impending release of Wii, obviously.

Speaking with, Barlow reeled off the case for Xbox 360, "I think this holiday season is an amazing jump off for all those people who may have been interested in the Wii and now want to be interested in high definition gaming."

"I can't think of a better console for them to choose than one that has the most games available, the highest rated games available, than the Xbox 360 platform."

"And when you look at the alternative experiences that we're going to bring with SmartGlass, the entertainment providers that we're bringing on board, with sports and music and movies and TV, and then if you think about those preeminent best selling blockbuster games that they're going to want to play - Halo, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Forza, Nike+ Kinect Fitness - they either play first or they play best on Xbox 360 and nowhere else."

How do you feel after reading all of that? Do you find yourself reaching for your wallet subconsciously? Have you begun walking to your local game retailer like a zombie? Let us know what you feel below.

Thanks Nintendo Life.

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