BioShock 2 multiplay given to "proven experts" in Digital Extremes
2K farmed out BioShock 2's multiplay aspects to Digital Extremes because it didn't regard the field as a personal "strength," 2K Australia senior designer Dean Tate has told Gamespot.
"You have to play to your strengths," he said. "Digital Extremes has a long history in the multiplayer gaming arena, they're proven experts in the field.
"As a studio we're psyched to have them working on Bio2 MP. As for us here at 2K Australia, I'll say that we're working on stuff that plays to our own strengths as a studio, and that'll show when you get to play the game.
"We have a great history and background in helping to craft the BioShock single-player experience, and we're playing to that strength in our contributions to BioShock 2."
Digital Extremes has a decade-strong experience with online gaming, having worked on iterations of both Unreal and Unreal Tournament.
BioShock 2 will release on October 30 in Europe and November 3 in the US.