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Big Fish lays off 49 staff in Vancouver office closure

Big Fish has cut 49 staff and "realigned" around 70 or others as it closes its Vancouver office and consolidates those that remain in Seattle. The casual games company is also looking to shut down its Cork facilities.

The lay-offs largely come as a result of the company discontinuing its cloud business, which it says "is not growing as fast as we had hoped it would and is not on the path to profitability."

In a letter to staff CEO Paul Thelen wrote "We had to make some very hard choices about these business areas that are not growing or profitable. I want to stress that our decisions are not based on our company-wide performance or that of the people working on those initiatives - both of which are strong - but because of where the market is growing, and quite frankly, where it is not."

The fate of the Cork facilities are "subject to a 30-day consultation that we are entering into with employees."

We wish those 49 staff the best of luck in finding new positions quickly.


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