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Battlefield: Hardline Deluxe Edition PS4 appears on PSN with bundled DLC

Battlefield: Hardline is due to be officially unveiled during EA's E3 2014 conference tonight, and the shooter's Deluxe Edition has appeared on PSN ahead of time, with a synopsis that mentions some DLC packs.

Speaking of which, you can watch EA's E3 2014 conference live right here.


The above photo was brought to our attention on Twitter by reader PsycoticShadow.

It's from the Battlefield: Hardline PS4 store page, and it appears that the game's Deluxe Edition also comes with Versatility, Precision and Suppression Battlepack DLCs.

Each pack contains unique assault rifles, weapon camos and XP boosters, similar to those found in Battlefield 4.

The synopsis also confirms multiplayer for up to 32 people.

Treat the above as rumour until EA's conference goes live, but for now, what do you think?

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