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Battlefield Hardline: the bugs and fixes that need attention now

The servers have held up fairly well but the honeymoon period is over. What fixes and bugs does Visceral need to take care of in order to improve the game?

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It's fair to say we're fans of Battlefield Hardline. The launch went a lot smoother than some expected, and although there were some teething troubles, it's nowhere near the disaster that was Battlefield 4.

So after hours of playing the game, what regular bugs does the development team need to address?

Out Battlfield expert Westie put the above video together looking at the biggest problems; team deathmatch spawns, RPG spam in Hotwire mode, the spectator cam and in-game XP boosts.

What other problems do you have with Battlefield Hardline? Let us know, Visceral is always watching…

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