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Battlefield 4: Second Assault map changes & Levolution mechanics detailed - report

Battlefield 4: Second Assault will add four returning maps into the multiplayer mix, each re-tooled with new routes and Levolution mechanics. They've been detailed in a new Reddit blog by a gamer who appears to have played the maps ahead of launch.

Here's confirmation of the Battlefield 4: Second Assault maps, in case you missed them.

YouTuber LevelCapGaming took to Reddit to discuss what he had learned while playing.

On new changes, he wrote, "So I just spent a few hours playing the 4 new second assault maps, Metro, Oman, Caspian and Firestorm. Metro looks great, with new paths, fire that spreads through the grass outside and the ability to kill the lights. Oman looks very similar except the beach is now super rocky providing good cover and the sand storm is crazy! Caspian’s new wall makes a big difference in the flow of vehicular combat. Firestorm is extremely fiery now. Lots of gas leaks that will kill people standing too close.”

On Gulf of Oman he added that a sandstorm will whip up and severely reduce player visibility, to the point that they can't even see the US Naval Carrier spawn point. Operation Metro now has new pathways and working elevators between levels.

Elaborating on each map's Levolution event, he continued, "So massive tower on Caspian is a really cool event. Creates a bridge up to the D point area as we’ll. Oman is the sandstorm and I believe you can bring a crane down. I think metro is smaller levolution stuff like bringing down the ceiling. Firestorm you can destroy the giant pipeline creating a fiery hazard. I didn’t get to see it."

What do you make of the details above?

Via MP1st.

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