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Battlefield 4 features the return of Spectator Mode and gets detailed by DICE

Battlefield 4 features the return of Spectator Mode and today, DICE has updated the Battlefield Blog with information on it.

The mode has been expanded upon in order to provide voyeurs the best possible views of the action as well as the ability to camera types and players without toggling through the entire team.

This is where Battlelog comes in: once you find a BF4 server, you can choose to join as a Spectator if the mode is enabled.

There are four Spectator slots per server, and those four slots are excluded from the number of players the game mode allows, so on PC and next-gen consoles, you could have 64 players as well as two Commanders and four Spectators.

Tabletop View gives provides a "bird’s-eye view on the action," and with the picture-in-picture screen it allows the user to see the action on the streets, in the air or at sea at once.

Other view modes include First Person, Third Person, and Freecam view, each with its own merits and each is detailed in full through the link so go have a read.

Battlefield 4 will be available October 29 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. The game will also be made available on PS4 November 12 in North America and in Europe on November 29. The Xbox One version will be release in North America on November 19 and in Europe on November 21.

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