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Batman: Arkham Knight PC won't be fixed till September - report

Batman: Arkham Knight players waiting for updates to the PC version will need to be patient.


Batman: Arkham Knight is so broken on PC that Warner Bros. pulled it from sale on Steam pending updates, with most retailers following suit.

It now looks like this we won't see any major fixes for quite a while yet. In an internal email obtained by Kotaku, EB Games Australia said Warner Bros. had told it not expect an update till spring - in Australia, that is, so September at the earliest, and possibly as late as November.

"We have stopped sales of Batman: Arkham Knight PC while Warner and Rocksteady work on addressing performance issues with the game. The latest information from Warner is that the updates won’t be available until spring," the retailer told its staff.

EB Games has reportedly elected to post Batman: Arkham Knight PC stock back to the distributor "until an acceptable solution is released", which is quite unusual. If international retailers follow suit, it will certainly reinforce the message Warner Bros. is getting regarding its PC ports.

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