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Batman: Arkham City teaser is a go

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The 30 second teaser of Batman: Arkham City has just gone live on MSN Games, as promised yesterday.

When it said it was a teaser, it wasn't kidding: it's literally 20 seconds of criminals and a quick flash of Batman, followed by ten seconds of the logo.

Expect the full thing at the VGAs this weekend.

Video's below.

Batman: Arkham City launches next fall for PS3, 360 and PC.

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<br><a href=";vid=c7f8a884-14d7-4e40-b54b-3ad531f70651&amp;fg=sharenoembed" target="_new" title="Exclusive: Batman - Arkham City Teaser Trailer">Video: Exclusive: Batman - Arkham City Teaser Trailer</a>

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