Batman: Arkham City receives perfect score in world's first review
The first official review of Batman: Arkham City has been published, awarding Rocksteady's latest effort a flawless rating.
Appearing in the pages of Official PlayStation Magazine Australia, the magazine awarded the eagerly anticipated title full marks with a score of ten out of ten.
The magazine justified the perfect score by stating that "Batman: Arkham City is not only the best superhero game ever made, it's one of the best games ever made full-stop".
Comparing the title to its predecessor, 2009's Arkham Asylum, OPMA explained that Arkham CIty shines so brightly as "[i]t takes the already superlative original and gloriously expands on it. It's a deeper game, more complex, more inventive, more mature. It brings the caped crusader's world to life better than any comic, movie or television show before it."
The magazine's final score breakdown is as follows:
"Presentation: Endlessly creative, perfectly moody, and technically flawless. This is Epic's Unreal engine pushed to its absolute limit.
Sound: Alternatively foreboding and frantic, the game's orchestral soundtrack matches the on-sccreen action perfectly. Voice acting is brilliant.
Controls: Complex and initially overwhelming but also logical and responsive. It'll take a while to get used to them, but once you do it feels perfectly natural flinging Batman around.
Replay Value: Immense. A massive main quest, dozens of side missions, Riddler challenges, secondary game modes, and DLC will keep most people occupied for months.
VERDICT: We can't imagine how a superhero game could be better than this. Absolutely sublime."
Thanks, CVG.