News Killzone HD developers had to perform "software archeology" on original game Sept. 27, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Notch refuses to certify Minecraft for Windows 8, would rather it "not run on W8 at all" Sept. 27, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Project Eternity Kickstarter surpasses $2 million, three new modes planned Sept. 26, 2012 Nick Akerman
News The Walking Dead: Telltale's Episode 6 of Playing Dead features live PAX panel Sept. 26, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Pre-order Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3 at Eurogamer Expo for exclusive bonus Sept. 26, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Lionhead director says the studio is working on "something new and exciting" Sept. 18, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Treyarch readies itself for Black Ops 2 developer session at Eurogamer Expo Sept. 18, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Nintendo to launch 'Play As You Are' campaign alongside female celebrities Sept. 18, 2012 Nick Akerman
News Wipeout: "Online play will continue to be supported" while future remains in balance Sept. 18, 2012 Nick Akerman